Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ups and Downs of Pregnancy

I only have 99 days left!!! Whoohoo. So excited to be closer to my due date but also nervous about getting prepared.

These last few weeks have been very busy! I have had my 24 week doctor appointment, had a house guest, went camping at a music festival, traveled to Vail for work, and of course regular day to day stuff. My doctor's appointment went very well. Baby and me both seem healthy. I am measuring a week or two big though so was advised to watch my weight gain. I certainly have been surprised how easily the weight goes on (and I am sure it won't come off so quickly)! I think after 3-4 months of all day nausea I have had a huge urge to eat all the time. :)

On our way back from the doctor's appointment, we had a little scare. While still in the doctor's office, I was feeling really hot and suddenly felt as though I needed to eat something. Joshua commented on how my face was really red. We left the hospital, and I felt intensely more hot even being in an air conditioned car. I also got a sharp constant pain in my left side of my abdomen. I suddenly felt as though I were going to pass out. My vision was going away, and I felt nauseous. I told Joshua this, and he pulled over. Joshua called the doctor's office as we sat parked at a gas station. I began to feel better, thankfully, even before the nurse got on the phone. I still felt really weak but didn't feel as though I would pass out anymore. Joshua put me on the phone to talk to the nurse, and after asking me several questions she said that I should be okay. She thinks the baby might have been pressing up against an artery which made me nearly pass out. The nurse also stated that it is common but if I pass out frequently I should give them a call again. I haven't felt like that again and am hoping I don't through the rest of this pregnancy.

On another down side of pregnancy, I got sick again last week. I walk to work almost every day and on this one day it was already pretty hot on my way to work. I was drinking water but think I might have started to overheat. As soon as I walked into my office, I had to head to the bathroom. I'm afraid how the rest of this summer is going to go if I am already overheating in the beginning of June. I am trying to stay in the shade and wear a hat whenever I am outside. I also carry my water bottle every where I go, and we have installed an ac unit in the bedroom. Hopefully I'll find ways to stay cool this summer.

On an up side, I had so much fun camping in the mountains last weekend! We went camping in Pagosa Springs at a folk/bluegrass festival with friends. We got an air mattress to try to make sleeping on the ground as comfortable as possible. I slept pretty well but woke up with a few extra aches and pains, especially in the hips. Besides the hips, though, camping was as fun as always! I made sure to stay in the shade and drink plenty of water, especially after my near-passing out incident. All in all, I found camping to be really relaxing and a relief from the Denver heat. I can't wait to plan our next trip!

These past two weeks or so I have been feeling the baby move all the time and he/she sure does kick hard! Most of the time it feels as though it is doing somersaults. I can even see it move! There really is a being growing inside of me. Unbelievable sometimes.

We also made a few more purchases for the baby. We bought a "Baby Jogger" stroller and a Moby wrap. The baby jogger isn't actually a jogging stroller but does have nicer wheels to get around places. The thing we liked most about this stroller was its quick fold up and light weight. I also bought some more cloth diapers.. going to give prefolds a go. Oh! And we hired a doula. After several interviews we are going with a personal recommendation. I feel really relieved to know that someone we feel comfortable with will be with us in the delivery room.

Only two weeks left of the Second Trimester!

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