Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My feet hurt!

First, I must say that overall I have been feeling great. It is so wonderful to be able to eat again and have energy. I hardly feel pregnant most days.. except that I have to pee in the middle of the night all the time now. My one complaint is that my feet hurt. It is mostly my right foot which has bothered me in the past. I suppose I need to go looking for some new shoes this weekend.

I feel as though the second trimester is quickly coming to an end. I am in the middle of week 23 right now. The first few months dragged on but now time is speeding by! Joshua and I have made some progress with baby purchases and decisions. We've bought a car seat and a few more outfits, and I think we have decided what stroller we want. We have also met with a couple of doulas this week and should hire one within the next week. The crib and other furniture will have to wait for a while.

I didn't think my belly was looking too big until I took this picture. I've seen other women who are about the same week as me and have thought they look so pregnant. Now looking at this picture, I think I look huge! Joshua says I look noticeably pregnant, while I still think I just look as though I have gotten fat.

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