Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Half Way There!

We got to see little seamonkey today! I had an ultrasound and was so excited to see the baby. It was moving around a lot, waving it's arms and feet. Its legs were crossed and had its head down right now. I couldn't believe that the feet are above my belly button! Everything seemed good, but will get more information after the doctor looks at the pictures. Seamonkey weighs 13 ounces! He/she is getting so big!!! I just added some pictures to this post (my scanner is packed away so I just took some pictures of the sonogram photos). I think the photo of the foot is just adorable!

I feel kicks all the time now, and they get stronger each day. I have been feeling really good lately. No nausea or sickness, only a few headaches. I am just constantly hungry! And, of course, I have to go pee a lot. I feel as though I have gained a lot of weight even though my baby bump is still not noticeable.

I went to Washington, DC this weekend for work and did just fine on the plane. I made sure to drink plenty of water and sit in an aisle seat to be able to get up for frequent bathroom breaks. Seamonkey seemed to kick more during the flight but other than that everything seemed normal.

I have been going to yoga once or twice a week and also try to walk everyday. Since I have been feeling better, I make great efforts to make sure I get the nutrition baby and I need everyday. I have read that molasses is a great source of iron but have not quite figured out the best way to fit it into my diet. I tried putting in my soy milk but it was pretty gross. This weekend Joshua and I are going to a cloth diaper and baby wearing classes to learn more about what cloth diapers and baby slings and other carriers. Hopefully we will leave with a good idea of what we want! I am also thinking about looking into getting a doula for the birth. We may start going to some meet and greets soon.

We have started picking out some names but are keeping them to ourselves for now! :)


  1. Yay! So glad to hear you're feeling better. Molasses is really good in oatmeal :)


  2. Thanks Katie! Oatmeal was going to be my next attempt. Great idea.

  3. Btw, the molasses in the oatmeal tastes good! I have it every morning now. :)
