Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

This past weekend was Father's Day and during my yoga class we were asked how we imagine a father's role. It was making me think about how I don't imagine Joshua's role much differently than mine. In fact, I feel really blessed to say we have a great partnership, and I believe we will work as a team raising our kid. I feel very fortunate to have such a loving person in my life who will be there to support me through the rest of my pregnancy, the labor, parenting, and beyond. In supporting each other, I imagine that we will be there for one another, as we always have, to provide balance in our home. When I feel overwhelmed, he may step up to provide comfort to me or simply do the cooking that night. And same with him, if he feels stressed out, I will be there to provide peacefulness and do the mundane tasks that need to be done. It brings so much comfort to me knowing that I have such a loving, supportive person in my life to go through this journey with me. Knowing that I have someone and our child has someone to rely on through thick and thin is such a completely amazing feeling. Being a father means doing many of the things we do already... just doing them now for another person as well. Joshua brings laughter, love, and so many other wonderful things in my life. He has talents and knowledge of the world that I do not have. Just as he opens my eyes and teaches me things, I see him doing this for our child.

Happy father-to-be day to the love of my life! I know you are going to be an amazing father, and I am so excited to watch your relationship grow with our child.

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