Wednesday, July 6, 2011

3rd Trimester!

As of last week, I am in my 3rd and final trimester! This pregnancy has been quite a journey, but I am not sure I feel quite ready to have a baby in my life in nearly two months. So many things to get ready and still need to prepare myself mentally. I recently bought several more books as I'm nervous I don't know what I'm doing. I suppose I will never feel fully ready though.

It sure is summer in Colorado! It has been so hot! I worry how I'm going to get through two plus months of this weather. Joshua has been such a sweetheart as he has been giving me the car to drive to work on real hot days. I feel immensely guilty as I only work about a mile from home, but it sure is nice to not be outside in the brutal sun.

Joshua and I have been trying to find "cool" activities on the weekends since we only have a window ac unit in the bedroom that doesn't always work the best. This past Saturday, we went to the art museum as it was a free day. I really enjoyed it but was surprised by how quickly I got tired from walking around. We have been seeking out lots of ac places, like movies, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. We also went to a concert at Red Rocks a few weekends ago (saw Widespread Panic). It was much cooler in the foothills than in Denver! I was nervous that the sound would be too loud, but my doctor said it was fine to go. Of course, I had to go to the bathroom about a million times, and the stairs to get to the bathroom are horrendous at Red Rocks! I surely got my exercise for the day. I really enjoyed the concert and am very happy that I can still have a little fun every once in a while. :)

I had my 28 week appointment last week. I was so excited to hear that I only gained 1 lb since my last appointment! Baby is measuring right on track and everything looked great. I took a glucose test and am thankful to hear that I do not have gestational diabetes. I was told, though, that I need to be drinking more water, especially in the summer. I am not sure how to do this! I must drink a gallon a day already.

This upcoming Saturday is our newborn class! July is going to be a busy month with childbirth classes. I'm really excited to learn and meet other people in our classes.

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