Monday, July 18, 2011

9 more weeks and so much to do

We have exciting news! It looks like we are moving forward on buying a house! Woohoo!!! We have been extremely busy lately with trying to seal the deal. Our condo went under contract a week ago, and we immediately put in an offer on a house we like. Every day it looks more and more like a real possibility that we are going to have our own house with our own back yard. It is so exciting to think our baby may get a room of its own, and we'll have space for so many more things!

In the midst of signing paperwork for the new house and tidying ends for the condo, we have been really busy with baby stuff. Only nine more weeks, so I have been feeling the pressure to get everything done in time. We have started our child birth classes and took a newborn class a week ago. We love our child birth classes! We are taking "Birthing from Within" classes at the place I do yoga. The class is really small so there is time for discussion and questions.

This past weekend, we bought a TON of stuff for the baby! We hit up a huge community sale where we got so many baby things for awesome deals. At our first stop we got a swing and "exersaucer" for free! We completely filled our car with crib sheets, baby toys, clothes, blankets, and so much more. I'm so excited to say we only spent $100!

While life seems to get busier by the minute, my energy level sinks further every day. I am constantly tired and feel as thought I could sleep 24/7. I honestly feel more tired than I have ever in my whole life. The hot weather does not help at all. Our new place will have A/C! I cannot wait. :)

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