Friday, July 29, 2011

32 Weeks

This week has been filled with baby and labor education. On Tuesday evening, I had a breastfeeding class. On Wednesday, Joshua and I had our childbirth class. On Thursday, we had my 32nd week doctor appointment and a meeting with our doula. Goodness! I love feeling prepared, but it has been a lot of information to process for one week. Joshua told me at one point, he needed 30 minutes without talking about labor/baby. :)

My breastfeeding class was really wonderful. It made me feel more confident that I can do this. The instructor made it seem easy and taught us very useful, tangible skills. I think my biggest concerns around breastfeeding deal with going back to work. Right now, though, I am trying to take it one step at a time. I won't have to think about combining breastfeeding with work for a little while yet.

While Joshua and I like our childbirth class, we have been feeling as though it has been missing an important piece on the logistics of labor. I am so happy that we have Joy (our doula) to answer any questions we still have and discuss with us things we should know! Our childbirth class primarily focuses on preparing us mentally for labor and how to cope with pain. I've learned a lot about myself, including what comforts me and how I vision labor. The class has been a great time for me to connect to the baby. While I have been feeling scared of being the sole person responsible for giving birth to this baby and even feeling alone in the process, our class has talked about connecting with your baby through the labor and thinking about how the two of you are in this together. I found that really comforting and beautiful. It's not just me who is going through the labor; my baby will signal to me when he/she is ready to come and will be doing work as well.

My 32 week doctor appointment went well! The appointments are typically pretty quick. Blood pressure, weight, urine, and baby's measurements all look good. I am relieved to know baby is measuring right on track! We have been seeing a really great midwife at these appointments. She takes time to answer any questions we have and helps put my worries aside. Through my insurance plan, I won't know who will be in the delivery room with me so thought about switching what doctor/midwife I see at the prenatal appointments but have decided instead to stick with someone I like. I'll have Joshua and Joy in the room with me and think they can provide me with the familiar faces I need.

I'm so relieved that our week of appointments ended with Joy. She is so wonderful, and I am incredibly grateful for her support and knowledge. She gave me some to-do's for now until the end of pregnancy. I need to take probiotics, drink red raspberry tea, sit or lean forward as much as possible to get baby in the ideal position, and continue doing yoga. I love it when people give me advice like this; I feel as though I am proactively doing something everyday that is helping baby's arrival.

The end of the third trimester has brought on some aches and pains but nothing compares to the horrible feelings of the 1st trimester. I've been having trouble sleeping at night and even moving around. I seem to have developed pregnancy carpal tunnel which is so painful! At night, it is the worst. My hands go numb. The baby has also been kicking much harder and wakes me up at night. It kicks so hard that I sometimes fear something is wrong.

Besides some sleepless nights, I have been overall feeling really good. I feel huge but good. Of course the heat is a huge discomfort, but I think I'm starting to get used to it or have just learned to tolerate it a little more.

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