Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vegan without Soy

So, Amelia and I saw her doctor again today. I have taken her a couple times as she projectile vomits on occasion. It is horrible when she does vomit.. it usually goes across the room and makes a complete mess. I mean, get out the mop kinda mess. I called several times about this (as she has done it since she has been 1 or 2 weeks old) but no-one would take me seriously. They kept telling me, well all babies spit up on occasion and it is probably more than you think. No, this is a lot! Finally, I got a doctor to listen to me. She thinks Amelia might have a sensitivity to milk and soy. Since, I already don't eat milk, I just have to eliminate soy. I took her back to the doctor today because she has still been throwing up even though I have eliminated soy. It may take a while for the soy to get out of her system so the doctor isn't too worried. She thinks Amelia might also have some reflux issues. So, she is now taking some antacids. Poor thing! Not even 3 months old and is already on medicine. I hope it all makes her feel better though.

Eliminating soy from my diet is a little difficult but I think I can do it. I can easily substitute almond milk for soy milk. I've been eating a lot of beans now that I can't have tofu or tempeh. I just can't believe how many things have soy in it though. Chocolate chips, for instance, have soy in them! I've also been making sure to eat a lot more greens as they have a lot of calcium in them. I just hope she doesn't become of intolerant of more things as it would be difficult to eliminate more things from my diet.

Well, I can't believe it is already mid-December. We got our Christmas tree yesterday! I just need to decorate it now. I think Amelia will love the lights!!! She loves looking at things around her, especially ceiling lights. I'm super excited about her first Christmas. It is going to be too easy to spoil her with lots of presents. :)

It has been really hard to blog as Amelia usually only catnaps throughout the day. She has been asleep for nearly 2 hours now! I don't want to wake her as it takes so long to get her to sleep. Plus, she hasn't taken any other good naps all day. But, I probably should wake her soon as she is supposed to eat every 3 hours. I've also been worried about her weight gain, which has been slower than it should so it is really important she gets fed often. The weight gain (or lack of weight gain) might be from her reflux issues and/or the soy intolerance. I'm trying to get it figured out! It sure is hard as I don't know what is or is not normal for such little ones.

Here are a few recent pictures (as you can see she loves to put her hands in her mouth!):

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