Thursday, November 17, 2011

They Grow So Fast!

Yes, it is something that every parent  has told me. "They grow so fast! Enjoy them while they are little!" Every day Amelia seems to change and get bigger. She had her two month appointment this week and weighed 9.7 lbs. She is only in the 20th percentile but still seems so big! We saw a newborn at a restaurant this past week, and I cannot believe how much Amelia has changed. Amelia looked like a big kid compared to the little newborn.

While part of me wants her to stay little forever, I am also looking forward to the day when I can sleep longer hours and possibly do more things for myself (like cook dinner!). I'm also excited to see what kind of person she is going to be. It is going to be amazing to watch her take her first steps and speak her first words.

Amelia seems to be more comfortable with the world around her and is extremely interested in looking at everything. She has a look of amazement on her face at almost all times. She loves staring at the sky and things on the ceiling. I can't imagine what is going through her little brain seeing the world for the first time. As she has become a little more comfortable with her surroundings, she has been letting others hold her and smiles almost all the time  now. She even wants to be put down now to explore the floor and move her body. It has been such a relief to be able to set her down for a few minutes. I can finally take a shower! :)

Amelia and I have been getting a lot more active. We went to our first mommy and me yoga class last week and are planning on going again today! The class was lots of fun. Amelia behaved super well, and it was great to be able to do yoga again. I feel completely out of shape. We have also gone out to eat several times, and Amelia slept through almost all of the meals. My friend Katie visited this past weekend, and Amelia took her first trip to the mountains! We drove to Idaho Springs and stopped at Red Rocks. It has been really nice to leave the house every once in a while. Staying at home all day with her can be really lonely and make me feel crazy. It is exhausting going out but is essential for my mental health.

Amelia looking at the ceiling (6 weeks old)

Amelia's First Trip to Sweet Action Ice Cream! 

Smiling Baby! 

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