Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Month with Amelia

Wow! Amelia is 5 weeks today! This past month has gone by so quickly, yet I cannot imagine my life without her. I don't think I have ever felt so overwhelmed and exhausted and, yet, overcome with so much love. My life has completely changed in ways that are indescribable. I love this little girl so much.

This past month almost seems a blur. Amelia and I have spent our time bonding and getting to know each other. The first few weeks, Joshua and I called the doctor's office multiple times as we panicked something was wrong with her. Everything was fine and normal. I've spent my time this past month trying to figure out what makes this little girl happy and memorizing her beautiful face. I think we are finally beginning to figure each other out.

Having a baby is incredibly harder than I ever thought. From the intense hormone and bodily changes I am going through to the ear piercing screaming of Amelia, I have felt as though I have lost my mind several times. Amelia insists on being held ALL the time and by me. Simple things like taking a shower or sitting down to watch an entire tv show have become distant memories and dream vacations. 

Amelia is the sweetest girl despite all the challenges she brings. She has been smiling a lot lately in response to faces or sounds and makes the silliest faces. She provides immense amounts of entertainment. The things Amelia likes right now are being held (while standing up and bouncing), being sung to (especially Wagon Wheel and Baby Beluga), being in the moby wrap, and going for stroller walks. She absolutely hates getting her diaper changed and baths. 

I'm amazed every time I look at her that she is here in our lives. She is the most precious being I have ever seen. She absolutely takes my breath away and brings me to tears at times.

Amelia's First Stroller Ride

Amelia's First Bath

Tummy Time

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