Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Precious Sleep

Amelia turned 12 weeks yesterday! She is almost 3 months old, and I hear things begin to get easier at 3 months (let's hope!). Truthfully, though, I am really thankful for how happy she is most of the time. She sleeps and eats pretty well. It is just when I hear stories from extremely lucky moms that their little one's are sleeping 9+ hours a night that I feel bad or think she isn't doing what is right. I try not to compare her to other babies cause what is normal? Honestly, I have been feeling really great (meaning not a sleep-deprived zombie as I once was). Amelia has started to get into a good rhythm. She sleeps soundly at night, only waking one or two times. She has also recently been "sleeping in" until 6 and sometimes almost 8! This is much better than her 5am wakings. Lately, I have been kinda liking her night-time feedings. She is super calm and eats with ease during these times. She goes right back to sleep after getting her fill. It is such an intimate, precious time that we spend together that I know will soon pass. I'm half asleep when I feed her at night but am not thinking about all the things I need to do once the feeding is done. As long as she keep as one or two nightly feedings rather than feeding every hour, I feel golden.

While I do feel lucky to have such a wonderful baby (I mean she is the cutest, most adorable creature!), I will do anything to get her to sleep. When she is super tired she is super cranky which makes me in turn super cranky. Her cries make me want to cry or scream on the top of my lungs as well. In a typical day, I usually walk up and down the stairs for a couple of hours lulling her to sleep (at least I get my work-out in!). Tightly wrapped up in the moby, this is about the only way she will fall (and stay which is the most important) asleep. She will also fall asleep in the car or stroller (and yes, I resort to these too but not as much since it's been so cold). Once she is finally asleep, I rarely can sit down or stand still. Oh precious sleep. Maybe one day, you'll lie down and welcome sleep.

I sometimes worry that I am never going to be able to get Amelia to sleep on her own. She is quite attached to me which I think is really good at this age. In fact, I love it that she can pick out my face and loves me to hold her. Recently, she has become much more cuddly. She snuggles her head into my chest which is oh so cute. But it would be nice to maybe take a nap myself once in a while or simply have my body free again. Just once in a while. Strangely enough, we co-sleep at night but Amelia won't let me lie down with her during the day. Only she gets precious sleep then. I do worry about how she will sleep when I go back to work. Will someone else be able to get her to sleep? I've decided our nanny will just have to figure out a way that works for her, just as I had to figure out what works for me. For now, sleeping in the moby is what is working. She goes to sleep relatively easy (again  not so sure what is easy but do know it is a hell of a lot easier than trying to get her to sleep in the crib or anywhere else on her own).

I know I used to be a much harsher judge on parents when I nannied and worked in child care. Now that I am a parent, I know that you just gotta do what brings you mental sanity. If that means driving for an hour to get your baby to sleep than that's what you gotta do. Amelia sleeps her best when lying next to me or being carried. It brings me much happiness knowing she is sleeping peacefully. It is also really nice to be able to hear her breathe and look at her precious face every second.

Oh, sleep is so precious. And once that sleep has arrived, I want to make sure we don't have to do the dance all over again for a while.

Here are some pictures of her sleeping at 10 and 12 weeks (sorry have not figured out how to rotate pictures).

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