Friday, September 16, 2011

Waiting for Baby

39 Weeks 

With only 3 days til my due date, I am just waiting for baby's arrival. I am anxious to meet my little one but feeling more nervous about labor as the arrival day approaches. I am trying to stay calm and tell myself that my body will tell me what to do. I won't deny that I am afraid of how painful it is going to be and how I will endure it, but I am relieved to know I will have support in the room. Joshua and Joy, our doula, will be the in the room with me to remind me of the pain relieving techniques I have learned. 

My mom arrived this week, and I hope she gets to meet baby before she leaves. I don't think this baby is going to come according to anyone else's schedule though. I just have to be patient and know that it will come when it is ready. Having my mom here this week is really nice even without the baby, as she has been helping with cleaning,  yard work, and a bunch of other stuff. I have been really exhausted so I greatly appreciate the extra help. She bought us a bunch of baby clothes yesterday too (mom wanted to get both a girl's outfit and boy's outfit--I'll simply return the one we don't use).  

I have slowly been transitioning myself out of work this week. I wanted to take some time off while my mom visited but have also found that I really enjoy having the time to relax. Being able to take a nap in the middle of the day is really nice! It has been hard for me to let my work go and pass on the responsibility to someone else, but I know work will get done without me. 

I had a little bit of a scare this week but everything is okay. I felt faint and had intense pains in my abdomen on Tuesday. I got checked out, and baby and me were all okay. Baby may have just been pressing up on some organs/blood vessels and was giving me the most horrible heartburn I have ever had. My legs felt weak and it was hard to move my body. Other than that day, though, I have been feeling pretty good. My midwife says everything looks good and reminded me that first time moms typically go into labor 5 days after their due date. I even lost a little bit of weight this past week, but she thought this was most likely water weight lost. 

So, everything looks good.. just waiting for baby to come! 

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