Sunday, September 11, 2011

8 Days and Counting!

Only 8 days til my due date! But of course I could go into labor any day now.. or it could still be another 3 weeks.  It is so exciting and scary at the same time to think how my life is going to completely change at any minute. Trying to plan my week or even day feels impossible as I am not sure if baby will be here. I don't want to buy too many groceries as I am not sure I'll be able to cook the food!

I'm feeling pretty prepared (or at least as much as one can for the unexpected) and am now just waiting. The baby's room is all set up now. We have furniture, diapers, clothes, car seat is installed, and so many other little things all ready. Joshua and I made a Babies R Us run yesterday for some last minute stuff. My maternity leave has even started! Even though, I am planning on going into work a little bit this week as long as baby permits.

Recently, I have even felt as though I have more energy which is completely amazing. I actually feel much better now than I have for a while. My swelling seems to have gone down a little, and I don't seem to be sleep walking all day long. It may be because my body is allowing me to "nest" or, more likely, it is because moving is over and work has slowed down. August sure was busy and completely wore me out. It feels good to be able to have some time now to relax every once in a while.

Women who have been pregnant and due around the same time as me have had their babies. I'm just waiting for my turn now! My friend Rachel had a little baby girl, Julia, two weeks ago. Julia is the cutest, tiniest thing ever!! Seeing Julia gets me really excited about having my own baby and also completely shocks me that I am actually going to have a little baby like that too any day.

Photo taken at Phish Concert (9/3/11)

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