Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm having a baby this month!

It's September! Finally! I feel as though I have been pregnant forever and am so anxious to soon have a little baby in my arms. I've recently had this feeling that baby is on its way but don't want to get too excited yet. It could still be another 5 weeks but my gut tells me baby is not going to give me that long. It is time to make my final purchases and get everything washed.

Now that we are in our new house, I am trying to get everything arranged and prepared for baby's arrival. Joshua put the car seat in the car the other day, and I have set up baby's travel crib. It's starting to look like there is going to be a baby in this house!
I had two baby showers last weekend and got a bunch of awesome stuff! One of the showers was a surprise from my co-workers. Both were so much fun and made me feel really loved. At my first baby shower, friends made me a birthing bracelet which I will treasure for a long time. At my second baby shower, we made a scrap book for a baby's book. Such creative ideas that are really special!

Joshua and I finished up our birthing classes a while ago and took a tour of the hospital. The hospital tour really calmed my fears of having a birth there. They seemed really progressive, and the facility is super nice. I had been questioning whether a hospital birth was the right choice for me or not but after our tour I feel confident that a hospital birth will be a great experience.

The month of August was super busy (thus I did not post much). From moving to baby classes to having a huge fundraising event at work, I was completely wiped. Things are starting to settle down but only enough for me to recognize all the things that still need to be done before baby's arrival. I am hoping to get a lot of the final touches done this weekend just in case baby comes early. I'm running out of time!!!

Picture is from Week 37. Taken in baby's (messy) room!

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