Thursday, April 7, 2011

Will morning sickness ever end?

Week 16 and I still have morning sickness! Uggghhh.. I hope this baby gives me some relief soon. Throwing up really takes a toll on my body. I feel weak and exhausted, plus I have all these red dots on my face from blood vessels bursting.

On a brighter note, I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and everything looks good! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was a strong 150. I had to take more blood work and I should get the results soon. I also set up my "big" ultrasound for May 4th at 7:45am. Early but this way Joshua can come too. Plus, I wake up so early anyway that it is no big deal. This is the "big" ultrasound because you get a full body scan plus you can find out the sex if you want. We have decided to wait for the big surprise though. I also found out that I have gained 3 lbs so far, which the doctor said was good. I feel as though I have gained a bunch but it must be just bloat. :)

Something that I have recently noticed is that people are starting to treat me a little differently now that I am pregnant. Not in a big way but still different. Everyone seems more concerned with how I am doing. When someone asks, "how are you doing?" they actually mean it! When I say "okay", they seem to want more information.

I am thinking about doing some baby shopping this week! I just can't hold out any longer. Nothing major but maybe a cute little outfit. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your morning sickness is persisting! That sounds awful. I think you've earned some shopping--just remember to buy something gender neutral :)
