Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Camping Trip

Amelia had her first camping trip and festival at the beginning of June. It was a HUGE success! I have to admit I was a bit nervous as the trip was planned about 6 hours away from home in Pagosa Springs, CO and for 3 nights. We decided to jump all in and just hoped for the best.

The ride was a little long getting there but we just stopped when Amelia was upset and then would continue on our way. She sleeps great in the car which is really awesome. The biggest downfall of the weekend was that it was freezing at night. I didn't sleep well as I feared Amelia was too cold. I packed a lot of clothes for Amelia and she seemed fine. In thinking about what I needed to bring for Amelia, I completely forgot about my own needs as per usual. I did not bring nearly enough warm clothes for myself. Must make a mental note to myself that camping in the mountains is cold at night and hot during the day.

Once we arrived at the festival grounds, I knew that trying to prevent Amelia from eating whatever was on the ground was going to be my biggest task of the weekend. She loved exploring all the sticks and dirt but ended up throwing up from swallowing a small stick. I was thankful it came out but I learned my lesson quick. She had to be monitored extremely closely every single second. She spent a lot of time in the carrier and also found out that she loved playing on a tarp laid out on the ground. Crawling on the tarp would make a crinkly sound that she enjoyed, so much that she would not crawl off the tarp. She also loved being in the tent! She would giggle and smile exploring her new space. We had so much fun over the weekend!

A really awesome aspect of this festival is that it is close to the hot springs! We got a week pass to the hot springs so could go whenever we wanted. Amelia has recently started swim lessons and loves being in the water. It was a great relief being in the water from trying to keep her from swallowing more sticks. When in the water, she can't crawl away!

I am really looking forward to future camping trips with our family. We had such an amazing weekend relaxing outside, listening to great bluegrass music, and soaking in the hot springs!

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