Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Flying with Baby

Amelia successfully took her first airplane ride! I can't believe I am going to say this, but it was easy! She was smiles the whole time and security wasn't even a big deal. She slept over an hour on the first flight and enjoyed looking at all the people near her. I even had one guy ask me "what was my secret" in having such a happy easy baby.

Amelia's first plane ride was to Illinois for Easter weekend. We had a wonderful weekend visiting family. Amelia's great-grandma (my grandma) drove to my parent's house to visit her. My grandma loves seeing Amelia, and I love listening to my grandma tell stories about raising her children. It is amazing that my grandma can recall the times her children were born and their exact weights.

I have a lot of fun taking Amelia places. I feel as though the whole world around me is smiling as everyone smiles right back at Amelia's beautiful face. The world is such a beautiful place with Amelia in it. 

While home in Illinois, I realized that I feel like I am getting this mom thing down a bit. I feel a lot more relaxed and at ease with what to expect. I am very pleased that my personality still shines through being a mom. In fact, I have found that my style with everything in life is easily conveyed in how I parent. For instance, I am very anti-schedule with Amelia and came to the realization this weekend that a lack of a schedule eliminates a lot of stress for me. I like to believe that I am very flexible and down-to-earth person in everyday life so it only makes sense that I wouldn't impose a schedule on my baby. Rather than sticking to a time when we need to nap or feed, I listen to Amelia to let me know what she needs. I don't understand why so many people advocate for a schedule for babies when their needs seem to change day by day. Sticking to a schedule seems to me that it would only create stress rather than eliminate or prevent it. Of course Amelia's day thus looks different day by day, but I am okay with that. If she is home sleeping, I don't leave until she wakes up. If I am somewhere in public and Amelia happens to get hungry, I feed her wherever I am. Some days Amelia fights sleep, but I don't force her to sleep. Trying to make her sleep is next to impossible. So this is my little piece of advice for new parents (and a reminder to myself if I ever do this journey again), go with the flow. Listen to your baby, and she will tell you what she needs.

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