Thursday, March 31, 2011

15 weeks 3 days

Ha! Right after my last post, I started throwing up again on a daily basis. Ugghh! It was like clock work, every day at 10am I would be sick. Thankfully, though, I have been feeling very well that last couple of days. Eating frequent, small snacks throughout the entire day seems to help a lot. My headaches have also subsided. I am so grateful that things are starting to look up!

I bought some of my first maternity clothes last weekend! I bought a new pair of jeans that are super comfy. I had trouble, though, finding maternity clothes at the mall. My friend Rachel and I are planning to do some more shopping this coming Saturday. She has a few more ideas of where to shop than I do.

I also went to my first prenatal yoga class this. I signed up for 6 classes over 6 weeks at the hospital. I felt much more relaxed after the class and had the best night's sleep in a long time (didn't wake up til 5:30am to pee!). The class very low-impact but felt really good to stretch all my muscles. I do, however, feel as though I need to be doing some sort of higher-impact exercise that keeps up my strength. I'm going to try to other prenatal yoga classes to see how those go as well. One of the really cool things about the class was that it was a room full of pregnant women!

I have my next prenatal doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Looking forward to making sure everything is going okay!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2nd Trimester!

WooHoo!!! I entered the 2nd trimester yesterday, so I am a third way through my pregnancy at 14 weeks. My nausea has subsided an incredible amount. I will still start to feel sick if I do not eat frequently. I have found that I have to eat small meals every few hours. It's strange--I'll get this intense hunger and then will be full within a few bits. I'm am so happy that I am eating regular food again and not just crackers and mashed potatoes.

I'm really hoping that the 2nd trimester goes smoother than the 1st. I have been getting these horrible, horrible headaches for several weeks now. They are so intense I feel like I can't think or move my head, and they even wake me up at night. My Ob told me I can take tylenol pm which has helped me fall asleep at night. I am really hoping the headaches will end now that I am done with the 1st trimester.

I had my 12 week doctor visit a couple of weeks ago and everything looks great! Joshua and I got to hear the baby's heart beat which was so amazing. The heart beat was at 155 beat an hour. Based on an old wive's tale, this means will are having a girl. Also based on an old Chinese gender chart, we are having a girl! Don't know if it is true but it is fun to guess. I actually think I want to wait to be surprised at the birth but am still undecided.

Some more exciting news is that Joshua and I are putting our condo up for sale!!!! Getting the place ready to put up on the market has been more work than I ever imagined though. We had to pack up lots of stuff, rearrange furniture, and clean every corner of the place. Our place looks really nice and I think it will show really well. There seems to be so much more space that both Joshua and I are thinking maybe a baby could fit in here with us. While we could stay there a little longer (and will if it doesn't sale), we think now is a good time to buy a house while interest rates are down. Plus, we hope to have an extra room so everyone can stay at our place while they come visit the baby!

I have started looking at baby names and found a cool site that generates names based on options you click on: